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Old 10-24-2012, 08:49 PM   #4
Coffee, Gas, Ammo. Set!
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I like the rotor idea myself... and I guess I'll spill some secrets I've observed.

Here's what I've found from going to (local) shows. Most local show judges are volunteers and not enthusiasts, per se' But here's what Traci and I believe most judges look at...

A. The engine compartment. How clean, organized and how much "power" does the engine convey?

B. Tires and rims...shined, detailed...rotors and But if thay can be seen through the rims... they need to be painted and detailed.

C. Interior... Is it clean? Is it tastefully or as outrageous as the outside?

D. Display. Cute figurines and rat finks have thier place, but show boards rate at least a 2nd or 3rd glance. Its also a great way to point judges (and spectators) to mods that would likely be overlooked. Lastly, if you have a tribute or patriotic theme you are almost guaranteed long as no one else has the same build in your class!

Last edited by Okiespaniels; 10-24-2012 at 08:52 PM.
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