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Old 09-01-2011, 09:23 PM   #324
(S.M.R) 101
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it does come down to work ethic.. if you really want it bad enough like I did then you can do it, I am a firm believer in that.. My point was that they force kids to believe that if you don't do good in school and don't go to college that you have no chance to make it and that is a load of maniacal bull shit.. and I was out to prove a point to all the People and their malice intentions and demeaning things about how my life would end up..

My motto was I could either spend 60 to 70 grand or make it.... I took the other path, two each his own in this world.

and my point may seem illogical or egotistical but the fact remains why try to scare kids into thinking that their way is the only way... If anything it made me cast them out even more..

and 90% of the people I work with only graduated from High school and some of them were drop outs from high school and a good % of them make way more $$$ than I do

But anyway I've said my peace on the subject and it is what it is, take it with a grain of salt if you must but that's how I feel about it.

"Oilfield Outlaw"
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