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Old 11-12-2013, 09:10 AM   #10
0212353's Avatar
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its been so long since Kyle's set (yeah, I know, not really - but it seems like that was 2 years ago - time is FLYING) - I honestly can't remember. I have a hard enough time remembering anything I quote off the hip......15 minutes later. (shit is nutz...)

Painter #2.....I haven't seen in months. He was brought on to fill any busy times, we've been steady as hell, but not to the point where I've needed him. I can only open so many anyway. LOL And, his day job (the body shop he owns) has picked up quite a bit too. Its all good!

I am just screwin' around in photoshop too......if this will be a reality, who knows. I haven't showed it to the painter yet. I think he's still mad at me for the Ford job we (I) took the other took him 11 hours.

me....I thought those shrouds were bolted on. Whoops. No. That was a VERY expensive paint job (most yet, and it was just the damn shrouds!)
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