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Old 11-03-2013, 12:47 PM   #1899
0212353's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Age: 45
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Its not as bad as I thought it would be......honestly.

Lets look at yesterday, typical day:

Breakfast - coffee shake
1030 - handful of almonds
Lunch - Orange Dream / pineapple shake (basically, milk, OJ and pineapples with the shake mix)
Mid afternoon snack - skipped (but would normally be almonds, pistachios, fruit, carrots, etc)
Dinner - wife was a bit nuts last night.....but we had crab legs and sushi. LOL - yum.
Late snack - notta. Wasn't hungry

I sat down one night and just did a quick check on what I used to eat.......egads! One day I consumed 4200 calories and 210 grams of fat. Errr.........dumbass. It is what it is, I'm not hiding from it, moving from it thats for sure.

The biggest thing for me? Not going nuts in the evening. It wasn't uncommon for me to get home from work, down a 2 liter of soda in an evening and have a hugeass dinner....followed up chips or other bullshit around 9PM.

I just don't feel hungry hardly at all anymore, and when I am - its the conscious thought of "is that really worth it?". Tastes have really changed, and that lovely Jimmy Johns Gargantuan (my absolute favorite sandwich) - really no desire for that anymore.
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