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Old 08-22-2013, 10:38 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Okiespaniels View Post
Dave, I ask myself these same questions. I've asked these same questions on every "custom" vehicle I've had.
We could probably have a good long campfire chat on this....

I can't read your mind, but it' appears you're at a crossroads. So I'll speak my feelings and you can respond. I hope I don't offend you.

My gut reaction, and one that I've been nurturing for a while, is to just drive one's truck and enjoy it. I've decided that modding my truck to fit one jondra or to impress anyone other than myself is a fruitless waste of time, talent, and most importantly, money. I wish I'd learned this lesson about 30 years earlier in life.

The moment happened when I attempted to buy wheels for my truck this summer...simply because I wanted to "look different" or "better" for the MWM. It didn't work. I considered that a sign that I was going against my beliefs. It's not that I can't ever get a new set, but it'll be because of the right reasons.

My point is, if you're modding your truck, don't do it because you're bored, or because you must. And never do it for anyone else...but I know you know that.

I'd say if you're bored, you're simply not enjoying what you have enough. So read my post, then get the family, load them in the truck and drive somewhere. Get an ice cream cone (but not at sonic ) or cruise up the pike and park at a lake. Listen to the exhaust with the window down. Remember how hot your wife is sitting next to you. Check out your son enjoying the trip. Tap the gas and pass a slower car.

Somewhere on that ride I hope you realize that your truck is as unique as you are. And smile. After that, consider your next mod.

Repeat as nessesary

PS...I vote for underhood detail.
Nicely said. Thanks Al.
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