Thread: Decals
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Old 10-21-2012, 07:42 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by BMRbrnSNRbrd View Post
Thanks guys. I really just need something to grab more attention at shows. I really like showing but my truck doesn't get enough attention....and the things that grab attention are mostly horrible.
Once again, you are the only one that sees the flaws. I see a gem in need of just a bit more polish...

There's a zen rethink here...what is the true purpose of your truck? Is it to grab the 10 dollar show trophy? If so, the only opportunity lies in retiring it from street duty.

You would have to bring it somewhere near the level of suicided door truck at the midwest your own way. BTW although the truck was attention grabbing, the only things that held my interest were the unique billet pieces. IMO, blending that trucks unique details with your overall finish is the trick.

If it's that big a deal but the above financially impossible...I'd suggest having your wife dust the truck every 15 mins in the little outfit shes's wearing in your avitar shot...with some heels on...while smiling and talking to the public. < She'll think I'm such a perv after reading this...but you'd expect nothing but blunt honesty from me right?

How about investing in a show board if that won't work? If nothing else...patriotic themes and/or a mural saluting our countries' vets, or firefighters/police.

Now that I think of it...a tailgate mural with a fight of B-17s coming out of it surrounded by flak bursts and burning ME-109s would be awesome.

EDIT: Not that it will you feel any better Dave, but 97% of the people that walk by my truck don't give it a second glance. The other 2% are vocal enough to ask why it's here or what's so special about it.

Last edited by Okiespaniels; 10-21-2012 at 07:52 PM.
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