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Old 10-21-2012, 03:10 PM   #52
Cummins Member
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Just a little update:

On Thursday night I washed the truck with ONR. If you've never heard of it, check it out. I've been using it for over two years:

It only took an hour and a half in the garage, where I left the truck until Friday morning when I would do some real work.

Friday morning I got up at 9:30 and started claying the truck with the Mother's California Gold Clay kit. Seemed pretty good. I've used a Mother's kit before and was happy enough. I'm not sure what the difference is between the "California Gold" and regular kits though. Claying took about two hours or so.

It wasn't nearly as much work as I expected. The last truck I clayed was the white '04 and it had rail dust spots all over so it was tedious work. On the '10, I just went off of the feeling. I could tell where the really rough spots were and when it started to clear up. Honestly, half of the nicks and such that I thought were damage were just contaminates in the paint. I even got one spot off of the tailgate that I thought was under the clear.

Next I waxed with Zaino's ZAIO, or "All in one." I wanted a wax better than some store-bought stuff and this was recomended to me by a guy who used to detail vehicles and keeps his Corvette flawless. I was even able to pick it up locally from the guy he buys from. I am very happy with the ZAIO finish. I didn't layer it because it's pointless with a wax that contains cleaners as you just take the previous layer off. It went on easy and came off even easier. It wasn't until I was done that I found out about Z2 and Z5, which can be layered as much as you want on top of ZAIO. Now I have something to try in the spring.

Here are the products I used:

Overall I'm very happy with over six hours of work. The truck's paint feels almost odd as it's so slippery now. It's not a wet feeling...just slippery. I'll get some better pics off of my DSLR, but here's one off of my cell. I think next time I'm going to try polishing after I clay...I've seen amazing results with even a cheap polish.


Last edited by BMRbrnSNRbrd; 10-21-2012 at 06:46 PM.
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