Oklahoma Ram Club

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swirvin21 11-24-2013 01:14 AM

My New Baby!
Sorry I've been gone for a bit, but I have been back and forth between Texas and Oklahoma trying to get the house ready to sell when I got a call from my wife @ 7:15PM Monday night. I managed to arrive in Denton, TX from Tulsa, OK in 4hrs including getting gas, packing, locking up the house and throwing a few things in the truck to haul down....and it turns out to be a false labor. :chair: Nothing like drinking 3 12oz Red Bulls and driving 90mph at night on nearly zero sleep to find out we weren't in labor.

We were released from the hospital and home around 4am Tuesday and it took FOREVER for me to come down from the high of energy drinks and adrenaline, only to leave for the hospital again that after around 4pm....but it's worth it now!

We are very happy to announce that we brought our daughter, Harper Grey Irvin, into the world at 12:19am on 11/20. She weighed in at 6lbs & 14oz and is 19 & 3/4". She is perfect and both her and her mother are doing great!

I'm still pretty busy, but will try to start ramping up my time on here again. FYI, for any of you planning on having kids one day...don't let your wife try to convince you that she won't want the epidural. The lady next door was screaming, and I mean screaming bloody murder, while my wife just relaxed and managed to only have to push for about 30 minutes total. :idiot:

Here's my baby girl!! She's already pretty enough to break hearts....I'm cleaning my shotgun already!

At the hospital right after labor


Tonight after being home a day or two


ramthis9501 11-24-2013 02:04 AM

That's awesome, congratulations to you and your wife! That is one beautiful baby, wish the best for you all.

DoubleTakeDodge 11-24-2013 03:46 AM

Congrats man!

Randall488 11-24-2013 04:25 AM

Congratulations bud! good to hear everyone is doing well

myoung84 11-24-2013 10:20 AM

Re: My New Baby!
Congrats man! Baby is already beautiful! Definitely need to start cleaning the shotgun. Lol.

The epidural is a must! We definitely planned on it but the docs took forever to come in and do it. She had to be induced and that makes it even worse. It was just a matter of minutes the contractions went from uncomfortable to her screaming and breaking my hand. Lol. She went through about 30 minutes of that before the docs finally came in for the epidural. After that it was smooth sailing!

The first few months are a little rough but it does get better. If you're lucky enough for her to start sleeping through the night like we were at about 3 months, it makes life much easier! 6 straight hours of uninterrupted sleep is amazing!

0212353 11-24-2013 02:13 PM


Okiespaniels 11-24-2013 08:03 PM

Congrats on the new arrival!

BMRbrnSNRbrd 11-24-2013 09:13 PM

Congratulations bud. Your first?

swirvin21 11-24-2013 10:59 PM

Yup...my first, likely our last. My wife had too hard of a pregnancy to think that we will try for another seeing as we are starting to get to close to 40.

She has been great so far. Very little crying and complaining, just tells us when she's hungry or dirty really! Hope it stays like that for awhile...

BMRbrnSNRbrd 11-25-2013 06:36 PM

Congrats again bud. We have one also. My wife originally wanted a litter but recently started talking about keeping it at one. We shall see.

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