View Full Version : American Force SEMA 2014 - Take over continues at CARiD

12-10-2014, 08:53 AM
The 2014 SEMA Show is over and now this is the perfect time to recall nothing but the best cars of it. SEMA show is all about lifted trucks, jazzed-up daily drivers, and engine-swapped muscle cars, its a place where automakers and manufacturers customize and personalize cars, trucks, vans and other vehicles and display their newest ideas.

If you missed out on the SEMA 2014 show, don't worry! CARiD is always here to cover you out. So guys, check out the video by American Force filmed at the craziest automotive event ever:


https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10635705_10153417804425288_372490043491369796_n.jp g?oh=709ae6c98f454147258d1568716868e9&oe=5509CCF9&__gda__=1426163654_76256e8908aca5403d13b1caea1d1a7 d

Enjoy, and see you at SEMA next year!

By the way, how would you customize your ride?